Tag Archives: marijuana

I’m thinking about:

  • building student confidence to improve academic achievement; see NY Times and The Situationist
  • how did I forget today was Earth Day?  Jewels of New York in Fort Greene (details on their Twitter) My students are super excited about the film Earth.  “It looks hecka tight!”  Opening today, Earth Day.
  • why aren’t there more floral design blogs?  And where did I put all those Parisian florist business cards I collected last spring?
  • Summer!
  • (in this case still thinking about) how many of my students were stoned on 4/20, how I’m supposed to feel about that, and what I’m supposed to do…NY Times on legalization
  • so much trouble in the world; breath in suffering breath out loving kindness
  • my latest “ethical dilemma.”  Would you like to read it? 
  • Grilled Halibut with Chimichurri—YES! recipe at Epicurious

chimichurriphoto by Romulo Yanes

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